
Now that the election frenzy is over... seems like a perfect time to point out that the clearest and most coherent comment on American democracy to come out in recent years is entitled "Douche and Turd." I thought about it--and yea, in moments of darkness and doubt, drew strength from it--every time I cowered beneath the onslaught of "I voted" stickers and Facebook messages that poured past us all last week. Here's a choice snippet, and the full link:

Or, if you like your critiques a little more highbrow, there's always Matthew Arnold on the subject:
[The democrat] complains with a sorrowful indignation of people who "appear to have no proper estimate of the value of the franchise"; he leads his disciples to believe,--what the Englishman is always too ready to believe,--that the having a vote, like the having a large family, or a large business, or large muscles, has in itself some edifying and perfecting effect upon human nature.
In short, I didn't vote. Anyone know where I can get a sticker for that?